Taking the plunge...

Well if you have been around be at all this semester, you probably know that I have not been too happy and that I have been more then a little bit stressed. Well I am going to try and remedy that. The main factor that as been my main stress point has been by job. Yes that in-house computer job. Pretty much it has been an all encompassing way of life. It has been taking up so much time that I have felt that I physically did not have enough time to study when I needed to. So I have talked with my hall director today about it, and tomorrow I am will talk with my other supervisors, but I pretty sure I will moving back in berta, and resuming my ordinary life as Christine, student.

I will update later with how it goes,


  1. Go on, tell 'em to stick their job and become a no-working bum like the rest of us :)


  2. I concur. Who needs money anyways? Totally overrated and not necessary. Oh, except that I need a new hairbrush....^_^

  3. Good for you, way to keep your sanity. By the way, the next Friday you are free we need to have a final pledge class happy hour!!

  4. Good for you, sparky. It's far past time. Don't let 'em shove you around. ^_^ Besides, when you don't have time to study, you don't have time for drinking. And where's the fun in life then?

  5. Hia there, thats me off to the family for Christmas. So have a good Christmas and New Year. Miss You. Shaz


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