Real World Update...

Yes I am alive. My shoulder is slowly getting better. And yes I have started work. Unfourtly I do not have internet yet, but I will probably be getting it in the next two weeks, so I am writing this from my wonderful friend victor's computer. Let me tell you this, the real world is boring. You wake up, go to work, come home, and repeat. It would probably help if I knew some more people here, but it is a lot harder to meet people then when you were at school. But I am surviving and it can only get better.

Call me, because I really have nothing else to do.



  1. It's great to hear that it's getting better! :) - is it really that boring? - well just wait to the paycheque arrives and you'll be laughing - drinking time, that's the way to get to know people, when they're drunk! :) Hmmm yeah that's a great idea :)

    Other than that go wandering an see your new home, and take lots of pictures :)

    But yeah you need the internet, that's important!

    Have a good one!!
    Byeeeee!!! MWAH!!!!! MWAH!!!!!!


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