My Mom's a politian now...

Yeap mom won her election, she was running for Iowa house. I was very excited to see her stop her opponent, he lost the primary, by a lot, and then just was to stubborn to see that people wanted change, and ran as a independent in the general election. Ohh well. But Mom is really excited to be elected, she has helped and ran so many campaigns but this is the first time she has been the candidate.

So we are heading out tonight to celebrate Jeaniy's birthday, but she is feeling a little under the weather, so hopefully she will still be up for it tonight. As a note her boyfriend is in town too and I am making them go for Indian for lunch. Chicken Tikki Marsala here I come!



  1. Congrats to your momma!!! Hope the dinner was does the first weekend in December sound?? That's not the first weekend after Thanksgiving, but the next....


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