Too many choices...

Wow you can difinatly tell it is December now. It is too fucking cold out!

So I have my work holiday Christmas party on Friday, which I think should be fun. It is at some hotel downtown, and it is this big dress up thing with drink vouchers and everything. But now I have a dilemma, I just got a call from Michelle and she has tickets to the hockey game on Friday. These things both start at the same time, so I have to choose. I do want to get dressed up for my work thing, mostly cause I got this kick ass dress about 3 months ago (yea just in time to not wear to any of the weddings I had to go to) but I know that I will get tired of mingling quick, and once my drink vouchers are up, I know I will be ready to go. On the other hand I have the hockey game, and the last one I went to rocked. It was just fun, even though the beer cost five bucks, it was a really huge beer. And this time it wouldn't just be Jeaniy and I, it would also be Michelle and Ryan, which would just multiple the fun, and we could pre-party for it too!

God choices suck, and at this minute I am leaning towards the hockey game.


  1. Ummmm, yeah, the hockey game sounds like tons o'fun. There's only so much mingling I can take, either. It's really too bad you have to make a choice... wearing a pretty new dress is a pretty persuasive argument. ^_^

  2. Wear your pretty new dress to the hockey game Two birds with one stone. ^_^ Just make sure to wear layers under it so you don't get cold. It won't look weird/awkward at all, I promise.

    823 Heather Drive
    Belton, MO 64012

  3. yeah, i hear you on the cold part, this morning it got down to about 60 degrees, all my students were wearing winter coats, hats and gloves. Hope all is well with you.


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