My Henna for Hair experience...
So about 2 weeks ago I got it in my head to try hennaing(?) my hair. When browsing through a Lush magazine (very dangerous btw, way too many products I want to buy) and I saw that they now sell Henna bricks. Kind of pre mixed henna for a couple different colors. I was all set and ready to try this out, but then I saw that the price about 20 some bucks and then I would also have to pay about 8 bucks for shipping. I decided I could probably find a better deal then that.
Didn't find anything on Amazon, but a quick google search later and I found Not the best web design in the world, but it does have a handy little ebook, that contains everything you would ever want to know about henna. I then decided on the formula I wanted to try (300g Henna and 100g Indigo) to make a reddish brown. Turns out on the site that they sell kits for different mixes of henna, and they had the formula I wanted to try plus they include a pair of gloves (most definitely needed those). The kit was 20.50 but this included shipping! So score, 8 bucks cheaper then Lush, plus I kinda liked the idea of mixing it myself. I ordered the kit on Wednesday, and it was delivered (usps) on Saturday (or Friday because I didn't get my mail then) and I mixed the henna and let it sit over night. I mixed the henna with lemon juice like it said, and then added some ginger and cloves in to the sludge because I read those would help with the smell. Then on Sunday around noon I mixed up the indigo (this you are only suppose to mix 5 minuted before you use) and then mixed the two together. As you can see from the pictures below, the consistency of both is pretty much mud.

I then sectioned off my hair and proceeded to slather on the mud. Boy was this part messy, luckily I had lined my floor with younkers catalogs (I get an amazing amount of these). So about 15 minutes later I have my hair throughly covered, and then wrap my head up in saran wrap and then a towel. I had decided on leaving it in for about four hours cause that seemed a good amount of time (it said anywhere between 1-5 hours). I only lasted about 3 1/2 hours, mostly because it started dripping through the saran wrap so I decided that was probably enough time. Now washing that stuff out of my hair was interesting, it was still very thick and now had dried out a bit so it was also gritty. I would say it probably took about 10 minutes just standing under the shower to get the majority of it out, and then I put on some conditioner and rinsed. When drying my hair I could definitely tell it felt thicker, and I really liked the color. Now over the next two days the color is supposed to deepen somewhat, so I will try to remember to put another pic up of what my final hair color looks like. Overall I really enjoyed my henna experience, I felt it gave great coverage, because sometimes when I dye my hair myself, I always seem to miss a spot or two, but not this time! Also my hair feels healthier and a ton thicker then before. Also the henna did not cover up my highlights like dying it would have, they are still there just a little darker then before, and a little redder. It did have some cons though, I did not like the smell at all, next time I am using a ton more ginger and cloves in my henna. And I did seem to dirty a ton of towels and some of the henna drips all over my robe. But I think I would definitely do this again.
Before Henna:

After Henna:

Day 2 Henna:

Henna Website
Didn't find anything on Amazon, but a quick google search later and I found Not the best web design in the world, but it does have a handy little ebook, that contains everything you would ever want to know about henna. I then decided on the formula I wanted to try (300g Henna and 100g Indigo) to make a reddish brown. Turns out on the site that they sell kits for different mixes of henna, and they had the formula I wanted to try plus they include a pair of gloves (most definitely needed those). The kit was 20.50 but this included shipping! So score, 8 bucks cheaper then Lush, plus I kinda liked the idea of mixing it myself. I ordered the kit on Wednesday, and it was delivered (usps) on Saturday (or Friday because I didn't get my mail then) and I mixed the henna and let it sit over night. I mixed the henna with lemon juice like it said, and then added some ginger and cloves in to the sludge because I read those would help with the smell. Then on Sunday around noon I mixed up the indigo (this you are only suppose to mix 5 minuted before you use) and then mixed the two together. As you can see from the pictures below, the consistency of both is pretty much mud.

I then sectioned off my hair and proceeded to slather on the mud. Boy was this part messy, luckily I had lined my floor with younkers catalogs (I get an amazing amount of these). So about 15 minutes later I have my hair throughly covered, and then wrap my head up in saran wrap and then a towel. I had decided on leaving it in for about four hours cause that seemed a good amount of time (it said anywhere between 1-5 hours). I only lasted about 3 1/2 hours, mostly because it started dripping through the saran wrap so I decided that was probably enough time. Now washing that stuff out of my hair was interesting, it was still very thick and now had dried out a bit so it was also gritty. I would say it probably took about 10 minutes just standing under the shower to get the majority of it out, and then I put on some conditioner and rinsed. When drying my hair I could definitely tell it felt thicker, and I really liked the color. Now over the next two days the color is supposed to deepen somewhat, so I will try to remember to put another pic up of what my final hair color looks like. Overall I really enjoyed my henna experience, I felt it gave great coverage, because sometimes when I dye my hair myself, I always seem to miss a spot or two, but not this time! Also my hair feels healthier and a ton thicker then before. Also the henna did not cover up my highlights like dying it would have, they are still there just a little darker then before, and a little redder. It did have some cons though, I did not like the smell at all, next time I am using a ton more ginger and cloves in my henna. And I did seem to dirty a ton of towels and some of the henna drips all over my robe. But I think I would definitely do this again.
Before Henna:

After Henna:

Day 2 Henna:

Henna Website
Henna for the hair eh? What will they think of next?
ReplyDeleteI can buy henna here, do you think that I could henna my hair or do I need a special kind of henna?
ReplyDeleteKP just make sure the henna is body art quality henna, and it is has a fine sift to it. They should also be able to tell you the country of origin, that affects the color of red. But you should be able to use it, just mix it with some mildly acidic liquid (lemon juice, orange juice, vinegar...), let it sit for 12 hours and then put it in your hair. The henna website has a really good guide.
ReplyDeleteThat was the most informational blog by a friend ever. Kudos. And damn, your hair has gotten long.
ReplyDeleteMy henna hair experience didn't turn out so maybe cuz I'm blond. LMAO yours looks awesome!