Just cause I am 26 doesn't mean I can't wear t-shirts to work...

So here is the newest batch of threadless tees, I have trying not to buy so many t-shirts because I should probably start dressing more like a grown up and all, since I did hit 26 this year. But then when I saw they were having the sale again, and there were some $5 tees I actually liked, I couldn't help myself.

Plot, it builds character. - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

While you were reading my shirt I took your wallet. - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder. - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

SublimI'mAwesomeinal - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

BTW: Homemade skittle shots did not turn out the best, but they were pretty tasty mixed with stuff. But we also tried a recipe for Apple Pie shots, mmmm those were yummy.


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