Is yoko meshi == yakamishi?

My family has a rice dish, yakamishi, that is much beloved and I always wanted to know what it means in Japanese. We certainly could have been butchering the pronunciation to get what we call it today.

I wonder if it was that my Dad's aunt didn't know that name so she just called it this?

yoko meshi [yoh-koh mesh-ee] (noun)

"Taken literally, meshi means 'boiled rice' and yoko means 'horizontal,' so combined you get 'a meal eaten sideways.'This is how the Japanese define the peculiar stress induced by speaking a foreign language: yoko is a humorous reference to the fact that Japanese is normally written vertically, whereas most foreign languages are written horizontally. How do English-speakers describe the headache of communicating in an alien tongue? I don't think we can, at least not with as much ease."


  1. Neat. ^_^ I like the horizontal meal idea.

    When we were at Mt. Fuji's Inn here in Omaha they had a bunch of yakamishi dishes on the menu--and the waitress told me that yakamishi basically referred to types of fried rice dishes.

    word veri: facker. srsly. ^_^


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