Hot damn it's May already...
I have kinda been in a funk lately. My weeks have just fallen into a pattern these past ten weeks since I started up my 2 masters classes this semester. Definitely a lot more work then just the one I took last semester, and I think I am going to just take one class a semester for a while, till either my work load gets lighter or I get better at managing my time. Because frankly having to go home to work and school work right after you just got done with work, is a sad and depressing thing.
Modeled two more t-shirts for Neatorama, see below. Tried to take the pictures outside, and my BF was the photographer. It was kinda odd doing the pictures with him, definitely made me feel more self conscious but the scenery is better!

Pluto: Proof That Size Matters

Something Somewhere Went Terribly Wrong
Wine and America's Next Top Model Finale tonight!! I want Allison to win, but since I am not patient, I have already read a ton of spoilers online. I agree with all the spoilers, and I bet any fan can see who is totally slated to win. I just hope Allison get's second, cause that would be awesome.
Ohh yea totally check out this Font Fight, made me crack up.
(College Humor link)
College Humor brings us the long-awaited sequel to the Font Conference. It’s Helvetica vs. Arial with help from their peeps in a fight to the death! -via Geeks Are Sexy
Modeled two more t-shirts for Neatorama, see below. Tried to take the pictures outside, and my BF was the photographer. It was kinda odd doing the pictures with him, definitely made me feel more self conscious but the scenery is better!

Wine and America's Next Top Model Finale tonight!! I want Allison to win, but since I am not patient, I have already read a ton of spoilers online. I agree with all the spoilers, and I bet any fan can see who is totally slated to win. I just hope Allison get's second, cause that would be awesome.
Ohh yea totally check out this Font Fight, made me crack up.
(College Humor link)
College Humor brings us the long-awaited sequel to the Font Conference. It’s Helvetica vs. Arial with help from their peeps in a fight to the death! -via Geeks Are Sexy
Poor Pluto. I almost bought a something went terribly wrong shirt once, not from the site that you are modeling for but another t-shirt site.