Valentine's Day...

John got me flowers.  He is so funny because he is a lot like me that he can't wait till I get home to show him, he emails me a picture and then calls me to make sure that I check my email. Pshaw like I not checking it every 5 minutes already. I think they are great, and it is funny how he worries that I won't like the flowers he gets me.  I would like any flowers he brought home, but I think it is pretty adorable how worried he gets about his selection.

Well I will be heading home here in a couple hours to make the semi-African chicken (way too many veggies according to KP to be authentic) and some roasted potatoes.  John made a cheesecake yesterday, and now that it has been chilled overnight, we will enjoy it has dessert.  I am pretty excited to see how it turned out.  John used the homemade vanilla sugar in it, so it should definitely be yummy.


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