Weekend Update...

My god was it hot this past weekend, and it doesn't look like it is going to cool down for two weeks, having it at about 100 degrees is just a little too much for me!

And of course my luck kicked in, my air con decided to stop working on saturday night. Luckly when I called the apartment people they got someone to fix it on sunday afternoon, but still, that was a loooooong time with out air.

Went and saw Pirates again with Ryan and Michelle. We had a few beers before hand, so I was a little sleepy come the 11:00 showing, so I might have dosed off for the first half or so. I know, shame on me for missing Johnny Depp.

That's about it, and oooh heres another video log. Wooot!



  1. How can you fall aspleep with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom on the big screen.
    I'm in Philly and sleepy.


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