Coders best friends...

After working in a software company for a year has a software engineer, I know I could not do my job if I didn't have copy/paste and notepad. Forget what people tell you about needing tools and helpers, you just need ctrl+c, ctrl+v, and notepad.exe.

Don't try and reinvent the wheel, we all have our own coding methodologies but that code you are looking at has been through more code reviews and has been coded in by people who might have been coding has long as you have been alive, so in most cases it is best to reuse instead of reinvent. Of course don't just blindly copy, you have to be selective.

I like to keep a notepad or 3 open for helpful code segments or notes to self, and it is a lifesaver if you close your environment without saving your most recent pasted code segments.

Enough of this geekiness, and back to work.



  1. Have you ever tried TextPad? :)

    The last version dates to 2004, but I still love it.


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