If I have to play Symphony No. 2 one more time...

I have my community orchestra concert this Sunday (I play viola), and we have been practicing Hanson's Symphony no. 2 for it (I think it is a romantic period piece), but I just dread playing it every time we practice. I don't know what it is about it, but to me it is the long plodding piece that never gets very interesting. And we are playing the entire thing, not just picking one or two movements, but the entire symphony. The piece always takes about an hour to rehearse and the conductor only stops us once or twice, so I think it is going to take about that long play at the concert, plus we are playing some other songs too, so this is going to be a loooong one.

On a plus note, the weather has been awesome here, it hit 40 F and I was so happy. Took the car for a wash because it is a grey car but it had also developed a thick grey coating of road slugh and salt. But unfortunately all good things must come to an end, because we are suppose to get hit with a winter storm on Saturday.



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