If you are gonna battle with the big guns...

You gotta not crash the first time you get dugg! Tried to use Cuil, brand new search engine made by ex-google engineers, but hmmm it is already down. Now that doesn't sound like something that is going to be able to stand up to Google anytime soon...


  1. I tried cuil too! It was okay yesterday, but searching stuff this morning (for masonic sterling silver souvenir spoons) cuil kinda sucks. Whole bunch of hits from google, none from cuil. Nice try, dudes. *sigh*

  2. I have finally managed to get cuil to work. Aside from the fact that loading it is almost impossible Africa, I didn't have a problem but then I didn't have anything of importance to look up.

  3. Heh, well I'm up for trying it as the google is nowhere near as good as it was back in the day! Back when we all had dial up!

    I wonder if the creators have ever visited Cuil bay (north of Oban, Scotland). My mother had a house there!


  4. Do you know what I love about your blog Christine, I can stay away from the internet for a week, come back, and still nothing has changed.


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