Just one cup at a time...

So I took a gamble on thistwo days ago. This sharesenseo site kinda looked like a scam, but a lot of people had written up that they had gotten their Seseo machines fine, so I decided what the hell and got one too. I usually just have one or two cups of coffee in the morning, usually at work where they already have the coffee made, but lately I have been craving better coffee then folgers. So I saw this offer, and I have always wanted to try one of those pod coffee systems and decided to go for it. But as soon as I entered my payment info and completed my order (thank god for paypal or else I wouldn't have done this offer) the page said it would ship in 4-6 weeks! But I want my coffee now! So I was a bit disappointed, but it is like a $70 value for $15 bucks (shipping) so I figured I could hold on. But just yesterday I received a DHL notification that my senseo is already on it's way! Yay, so my machine is currently in Memphis and I might even get my coffee maker by the weekend!
What's a pod coffee system?
ReplyDeleteI only have 29 days left in Kandi!!!
I arrive in Kansas City on the 30th at 20:20. Depending on what people want to do we can plan to go to Worlds of Fun that weekend or if you would rather wait until Ren Fest is open that would be cool too.