Come and gone...

Well I certainly did not keep up my end of the bargin writing this summer. Sorry.

Working at a transaction software company in Omaha, NE as a computer intern. I have been doing J-unit testing which is interesting and not a concept that I have worked with before I started here. I really like the environment( extremly casual, jeans/shorts/t-shirts), and the people in my group are helpful and nice. Been staying with one of my soroity sister's family, which has been nice because they don't charge me for rent and also feed me! And with that money I save in rent and food, you would think I would be saving it, which I do try to do sometimes, but I might have gotten a little carried away with some little gifts to myself. I bought a X-box at the begining of the summer and some games(mostly used ones and Jade Empire my fav rpg game yet!) And I might have caveded in last thursday and bought a Game Boy Advance SP (and its Pink!) and I bought a game dev kit for that so I can put my own roms on there!

So that really has been my summer. I am finished at work in two weeks and I will head back home to Iowa for a week or so then back to school!



  1. yay for an update. i can't wait for you to come to iowa. i may get to hang out with some one that isn't still in high school when your here. yay!

  2. Hey, It my sound wierd, but I saw your video "MESSING AROUND" on google video, I just wanted to say that it is very funny. I am a fan of the Darkness too.. It was very very funny, I am still laughing...
    Best Regards,



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