Twister in Omaha...

Yep we are all ok. Kinda a scary night, but we just holed up in my bathroom with pillows, our purses, my viola, and cosmos. All this bad weather and tornado warnings happened at around 2:30am. There was a touchdown, but not in our area, but it did touch down right next to where Jenny works at. No deaths, no serious injures, but a lot of house and businesses had damage. Also, where my work is moving to had some damage so it isn't clear when we will be moving now. Which is kinda ok with me, because that means I don't have to do a long drive for a while.


  1. I refuse to live anywhere that doesn't have a basement, I can only imagine how scared you were. I would've been so panicked. Glad you're all okay.

    (when I hole up in the basement, I bring my purse and laptop to check the weather--we don't have a tv or radio reception down there. ^_^) I always forget the flashlight though.


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