
Really Microsoft is that the best name you could come up with for a mobile phone web browser? I don't know about you but when I first saw the name, web browser was not the first thing I thought of.

BTW Joyce, been listening to Amy Winehouse's Back to Black, and I am really liking it, thanks for the suggestion!


  1. Not a problem, dude. I ran across her stuff on the internet and it's killing me to decide how many of her songs I should use that itunes gift certificate for. ^_^

    And yes I complain too, too much about my camera but the thing is... just thing of how many *more* good photos I could take if I actually had a decent camera with more than 2 megapixels! 2 freaking megapixels! There are camera phones with higher res than that now! As it is, I delete pretty much 75% of the photos I take b/c they're so shitty. I just show off the good/great/awesome ones. ^_^

  2. do they have a bunch of samurai warriors working at Microsoft that they came up with "Zenzui"?


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